Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet Attends the 24th ASEAN-Korea Summit

 On the morning of Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Cambodian Prime Minister, Samdech Mohaborvor Thipadei Hun Manet attended the 24th ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The ASEAN-ROK Summit was chaired by Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia and Chairman of ASEAN, and H.E Yoon Suk-yeol, President of the Republic of Korea.

This important meeting was also attended by Sultan Haji Hassanal Bulga, King of Brunei Darussalam, H.E Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, H.E Pham Ming Chinh, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, H.E Son Sai Siphandon, Prime Minister of Laos, H.E Ferdinand Marcos, President of the Philippines, and H.E. Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Prime Minister of Timor-Leste Kay RaLa Xanana Gusmao attended the meeting as an observer.

ASEAN Secretary-General Dr. Kao Kim Hourn was also invited to attend the meeting.

The ASEAN and the Republic of Korea became dialogue partners in 1989. The Republic of Korea is also one of ASEAN's largest trade and investment partners.

A joint statement on the ASEAN-ROK Economic Ministers' Meeting held on September 16, 2022 in Siem Reap said that based on ASEAN statistics for 2021, trade volume between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea reached US$189.5 billion.

Direct investment from the Republic of Korea to ASEAN in 2021 reached US$ 7.1 billion, up by 6.0 percent compared to 2020.

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